Since baby Wynn has been getting bigger everytime I blink, I thought it was time to start researching new carseats. After many an internet and price search... I decided on the Graco Nautilus. I chose this one because it had twice the recommended safety rating, and it is convertible, so I would never have to buy another carseat. I had also found it on sale for $144, so I thought... this is the one. While talking to my sister-in-law Dana I found out carseats expire after so many years. Who knew??? Well... that is when I found out my on sale carseat was an older model, and wouldn't be "good" long enough. So, I was going to have to start my search all over again.
I went to Walmart and began checking out all the carseats to see which ones I would google later that night. I looked back at the Graco Nautilus box. This one was the newer model and cost $179. That was outside our budget even for a 3-in-1 carseat... but just for fun I checked to look at the date that particular carseat was made... and that is when I saw the tag for $149.
Way to bargain shop!!
Ha! The only time in your life it's good to gain two pounds!
i have 3 kids and didn't know car seats were only good for so long. i'm sure mine is expired. AC is riding in luke's turn around seat now. oh well. she'll keep right on riding in it. so i won't be able to consign it. someone at goodwill will love it.
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